Global Outreach is a program which focuses on Cura Personalis through sustainable service in collaboration with community leaders. The focuses of Global Outreach are education, open-mindedness, social justice, and sustainability. Participants immerse themselves in different cultures and connect with people on both to form new bonds. This experience expands the minds of its members through reflection and puts social justice at the forefront of their minds by discussing community projects.
This Winter, in January our team will be heading to Puebla City, Mexico. There we will work with our community partners Enlances Comunitarios Internacionales. They are a non-profit that is community run, focusing on empowerment of local farmers with sustainable ecological practices. In formation meetings we will get educated on the techniques to use for farming, as well as engaging with Mexican culture in our own community. When we arrive in Puebla we will take part in sustainable farming, teaching, building, meeting community leaders and learning more about the area. This project is a very exciting honor and donations make it possible for many of our participants! All the young minds on the project deserve a chance to partake in this experience without financial worries causing doubts. Any help is greatly appreciated as we prepare for our journey as a team! Thank you so much for your support!